Frood Designs

Video Game: Frood Robotics

Interactive Exhibition Maps

Maze Generator


Frood Designs has done many custom software, electronics, and design projects. Feel free to contact us with any idea or request


Frood Designs the nom de plume of Evan Moring. Besides Frood Designs I have worked as a designer, engineer, fabricator, and general problem solver for museums, galleries, architecture firms, and technology companies across the United States.

Past Projects
Improvised Architecture

Cartographic documentation of "parklets" in San Francisco.

Click to see map.

Boolean See-saws

A proposal for a mechanical demonstration of boolean logic.

Click read more.

HT-01 Sensor

Frood created a small, Wifi enabled temperature and humidity sensor and logger.

Click to see a live demonstration.

Color Tools

Frood developed open-source tools to generate vivid color combinations for data visualization.

Click to see and demonstration and download the tools.

iPad Looper

Frood built this iPad interface for the exhibition Zohar Studios, the Lost Years at the Contemporary Jewish Museum

Click to see a live demonstration.

IPP Wordpress Theme

Frood created this minimalist theme for In Process Projects, an online curatorial project focusing on 1970s video and performance art.

Click to see the live site.


Frood created a visual interface for the Raspberry Pi's General Purpose In Out Pins. We open-sourced the software so anyone could use it.

Click to go to the github for the code.

Music Interface

Frood created a web interface for media libraries.

Click to see a live demonstration.

Exhibition Design
Frood offers design and 3D modelling services